
Hello there! 😃

My name is Clark, I am an enthusiastic software developer with 10 years experience. I live in a quiet town in Scotland with my partner Alison. Aside from code, I enjoy listening to audio books, watching various YouTube channels, playing Factorio and just getting away from the desk from time to time.

I maintain this web site as my own quiet corner of the internet. It is a place to showcase any experimental work or ideas and act as a supplement to my resume. It is built with Angular, Hosted on FireBase and the Lab Section is native canvas. Not that you can see any of that here but just pretend you can.

You can find more about me on these platforms if you want to:


I work with the following technology on a day to day basis:


I have 11 years experience of working remotely and I am passively seeking new or interesting opportunities. You can download my formal resume below (telephone and address removed):


Feel free to contact me for any reason and I will respond at the soonest opportunity. or click here